Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin, R.I.P.

It's been a lousy couple weeks. First Tim Russert dies during the most exciting election cycle in recent memory, leaving our national political discourse rudderless and in the hands of hacks like Hannity and Blitzer. And now this. One of my heroes - a champion of free speech and free thinking, hilarious, offensive, challenging, brilliant, crass, depressing, and honest - is gone. God bless you George Carlin (even though you were convinced He didn't exist). You told us the truth, even when it was ugly or stupid or unpopular. You challenged us to look at the world, and in the mirror, with a critical eye. You loved language and words. You had a bullshit meter like nobody else. And you were damn funny. The world is definitely a dimmer place today without you.

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