Monday, February 25, 2008

Senate wimps out on FISA

(Note: This rant was originally written a couple weeks ago, just getting around to posting it now, when there's still a chance the House may shame the Senate to grow a pair and stand up to Bush. Let's hope so.)

So many emotions upon hearing this news. I'm furious. Sick to my stomach. Ashamed of my Senator, Ken Salazar (CO). Disappointed in my fellow Americans for either being too dense to understand this issue or too apathetic to give a damn. Frustrated that no one in any position of authority seems able or interested in stemming the slow decline of civil rights in this country. Disgusted (but not surprised) that even if this vote gets mentioned on the evening news (highly unlikely), it will only receive 1/10th of the time & attention devoted to Britney's latest public foible. Outraged on behalf of the Founding Fathers, who would not recognize the country they thought they left for us. Confused about what to do next, short of standing on the Senate steps and egging every old white man that walks by. Still moderately hopeful about Obama's chances to make a difference. Increasingly worried about what slimy trap awaits him in the general election. Despondent that I may have to leave this great land I love if it continues to dissolve like this. Mildly excited about the thought of moving to Canada. Slightly more excited about Europe. Worried about calling anyone on my cell phone to vent. Wondering, who's listening now?

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